Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Sql Server
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- Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Sql Server Error 80040e14
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I have migrated a classic ASP site to a new server and am getting the following error, message.
I have tried different connection strings but none of them work.
Mar 09, 2015 The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server inserts several dynamic properties into the Properties collection of the unopened Connection, Recordset, and Command objects. The following tables are a cross-index of the ADO and OLE DB names for each dynamic property. Sep 17, 2018 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server__Login failed for user '(null)'. I have been using my workstation on a Windows 2000 SQL Server network for several weeks without any issues. I am using Activant Prophet 21 accounting software along with MS Office 2010 Professional on a Windows 7 Ultimate platform.
The OLE DB Provider for SQL Server in MDAC 2.7, MDAC 2.8, and Windows DAC 6.0 has a dynamic property called Allow Native Variants which, as the name implies, allows developers to access the sql_variant in its native form as opposed to a DBTYPE_VARIANT.
I am not even sure if the connection string is the problem
The new server is a Windows 2012 Server, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express machine.
11 Answers
If it is an Express instance, it is most likely not a default instance, but rather a named instance. So you probably meant:
Otherwise you'll need to show us the server properties in SQL Server Configuration Manager on that machine in order for us to be able to tell you how to correct your connection string.
Aaron BertrandAaron Bertrand
As Aaron Bertrand mentioned it would be interesting to have a look at your connection properties (In Sql Server configuration check if the following are enabled Name Pipes and TCP/Ip).Since you're able to connect from SSMS i would ask to check if the Remote connection is allowed on that server Also can you tell is the Sql browser service is running?
here is a link that i keep close to me as a reminder or check list on probable connection issues on SQL Server.Sql Connection IssuesAnd lastly can you try as provider 'SQLNCLI' instead of 'SQLNCLI10'
Try pinging the server in your connection string. The server your application resides on should be able to communicate on the port you specify by credentials. If you are developing locally try specifying 'localhost'. If the server is clustered or you installed as an instance then you need to specify that instance. Also make sure the server is configured for mixed-mode authentication if using sql credentials.
OR Try
Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=MyUserName; Password=MyPassword;
Ross BushRoss Bush
It can be a permission issue , Please check is that server is connecting with same configuration detail from SQL management.other is username / password is wrong.
Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Sql Server Linked Server
Here is what I would do:
EDIT: Note that this SO post, a few down, has an interesting method for creating the correct connection string to use.
- Open SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio) and copy/paste theusername/password. Don't type them, copy/paste. Verify there isn'tan issue.
- Fire up the code (this is next for me b/c this would be the nexteasiest thing to do in my case) and step to line 31 to verify thateverything is setup properly. Here is some info on how to dothis. I understand that this may be impossible for you with thisbeing on production so you might skip this step. If at all possiblethough, I'd set this up on my local machine and verify that there isno issue connecting locally. If I get this error locally, then Ihave a better chance at fixing it.
- Verify that Provider=SQLNCLI10 is installed on the productionserver. I would follow this SO post, probably the answer postedby gbn.
- You have other working websites? Are any of them classic asp? Evenif not, I'd compare the connection string in another site to the onethat you are using here. Make sure there are no obvious differences.
- Fire up SQL Server Profiler and start tracing. Connect to the siteand cause the error then go to profiler and see if it gives you anadditional error information.
- If all of that fails, I would start going through this.
Sorry I can't just point to something and say, there's the problem!
Good luck!
Mike C.Mike C.
Have you ever tried SQL Server OLE DB driver connection string:
or ODBC driver:
At least this is what I would do if nothing helps. Maybe you will be able to get more useful error information.
Could this be a x86/x64 thing?
The following thread seems to indicate that the (local) alias is a 32-bit alias which fails on 64-bit server: that the error is exacly what you had)
When you were testing the .udl on the server did you test both x86 and x64?
Following the advice from this blogpost ( you could test yourlocal udl :
- in 64-bit by just double clicking it (acts the same as running 'C:Program FilesCommon FilesSystemOle DBoledb32.dll',OpenDSLFile C:test.udl
- in 32-bit by double running C:Windowssyswow64rundll32.exe 'C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesSystemOle DBoledb32.dll',OpenDSLFile C:test.udl
If you can confirm it's a problem with the alias I'd suggest you create a new one by following the guidelines found here:
Have you tried to use the server IP address instead of the '(local)'?Something like 'Server=;' (clearly you need to use the real IP address of your server)
In case you try to use the server IP address, check in the 'SQL-Server configurator' that SQL Server is listening on the IP address you use in your connection. (SQL Server Configurator screenshot)
Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Sql Server Error 80040e31 Timeout Expired
Other useful thing to check / try:
- And check also if the DB is in the default SQL Server instance, or if it is in a named instance.
- Do you have checked if the firewall have the TCP/IP rule for opening the port of you SQL Server?
- Have you tried to connect to SQL Server using other software that use the TCP/IP connection?
The SQL Server Browser service is disabled by default on installation. I'd recommend that you enable and start it. For more information, see this link and the section titled 'Using SQL Server Browser' for an explanation of why this might be your problem.
If you don't wish to enable the service, you can enable TCP/IP protocol (it's disabled by default), specify a static port number, and use 127.0.01,<port number> to identify the server.
Paul KeisterPaul Keister
In line 31:
How are you instantiating cmd
Rather than the ConnectionString being wrong, maybe cmd
is acting differently in the new environment.
Edited to add:
I see that you've gone from IIS 7 to IIS 8. To run Classic ASP sites on IIS 7 required manual changes to server defaults, such as 'allow parent paths.' Is it possible that some of the needed tweaks didn't get migrated over?
If you're not running with Option Strict On, you should try that - it often reveals the source of subtle problems like this. (Of course, first you'll be forced to declare all your variables, which is very tedious with finished code.)
Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Sql Server (0x80004005)
Step-1: Enabling TCP/IP Protocol Start >> All Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server >> Configuration Tools >> SQL Server Configuration Manager >> SQL Server Network Configuration >> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER >> right click “TCP/IP” and select “Enable”.
Step-2: change specific machine name in Data Source attributes'value to (local) will resovle the problem ni SQL SERVER 2012.
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We are pleased to announce the release of the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server, as we had previously announced! This new driver follows the same release model as all the other SQL Server drivers, which means that it’s maintained out-of-band with the SQL Server Database Engine lifecycle. You can download the new driver here.
The new Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server is the 3rd generation of OLE DB Drivers for SQL Server, introduces multi-subnet failover capabilities, and keeps up with the existing feature set of SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) 11*, including the latest TLS 1.2 standards. As such, backwards compatibility with applications currently using SNAC 11 is maintained in this new release.
This new Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (msoledbsql) supports connectivity to SQL Server (versions 2012 to 2017), Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Also, keep in mind SNAC OLE DB (sqlncli) and MDAC/WDAC OLE DB (sqloledb) continues to be deprecated. For more information, refer to the page OLE DB Driver for SQL Server.
As part of the new release, OLE DB documentation was also reviewed and updated, available in OLE DB Driver for SQL Server Programming.
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* Note that SNAC 11 does not support features released with SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server 2016 that were not available as part of SQL Server 2012, such as Transparent Network IP Resolution, Always Encrypted, Azure AD Authentication, Bulk Copy and Table Value Parameters.
To use the new driver in existing applications, you should plan to convert your connection strings from sqlncli<x> or sqloledb, to msoledbsql. For example, for a trusted connection using SQL Native Client (SNAC11), plan to convert from:
Provider=SQLNCLI11; Server=myServerNametheInstanceName;Database=myDataBase;
Provider=MSOLEDBSQL; Server=myServerNametheInstanceName; Database=myDataBase;
For a trusted connection using the MDAC/WDAC OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, plan to convert from:
Provider=sqloledb; Data Source=myServerNametheInstanceName;
Initial Catalog=myDataBase; Integrated Security=SSPI;
Microsoft Ole Db Provider For Sql Server Error 80040e14
Provider=MSOLEDBSQL; Server=myServerNametheInstanceName; Database=myDataBase;
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Pedro Lopes (@SQLPedro) – Senior Program Manager